How to Limit Your Exposure to Lead

How to Limit Your Exposure to Lead

You may not think much about how to limit your exposure to lead in this day and age, but it is still a present danger for many. Lead exposure commonly occurs by inhaling lead dust or fumes in the workplace, in food, water, cigarettes, toys and clothes. Limiting your exposure to lead protects your total health. The effects of lead poisoning effect neurological, gastrointestinal, reproductive health and more.


Wear protective clothing including a mask, gloves, disposable shoes and overalls to limit your exposure to lead. Change your clothes before leaving the work site.


Find out about the preventive measures your employer will take when you work directly in lead exposed conditions. If you have lead exposure at work, your employer should wash all contaminated clothing. This helps limit your exposure to lead.


Pay attention when buying painted toys and decorations made in other countries.
like bright and shiny toys. Unfortunately, many paints used in other countries contain lead because it produces vibrant colors. Young children put things in their mouths, so do your homework when buying toys made outside of the United States.


Test your drinking water if you live in a home with older pipes and plumbing. Lead exists in older plumbing and in pipes connected with lead solder.

Tips & Warnings

Avoid washing clothing exposed to lead dust in your home to reduce contamination.

Use caution when eating and drinking from pewter dinnerware and pitchers. These items contain lead that can leech into food and drinks.

Always remove the protective mask last when changing clothes exposed to lead dust particles.

How to Lick Insomnia With Herbs

How to Lick Insomnia With Herbs

Few things in life are more frustrating or annoying than not being able to sleep. Prescription medicines can help, but they can cause problems like dependency on them and even “hangovers” from the lingering effects of their ingredients. But you can help to overcome your insomnia by using some safe, gentle herbs and by doing some breathing and relaxation exercises before bedtime.

Things You'll Need:

Chamomile tea

Valerian root tincture

Kava kava capsules

Lavender oil


Drink a delicious cup of chamomile tea while you’re enjoying a book or movie. Be sure to drink this at least one hour before bedtime because the liquid will make you urinate and it’s best to avoid the need to get up an hour after you fall asleep.


Drink this tea to relax you and promote a restful sleep. Rinse, chop, and place these herbs in a teapot: 4 tbsp. chamomile flowers, 2 tbsp. kava kava leaves, 2 tbsp.
, 4 tbsp. passionflower leaves and 2 tbsp. linden flowers or leaves. Pour boiling water over herbs and steep for about 5 minutes. Strain. Add honey and lemon if desired. If you cannot find some of the herbs listed, it’s all right to leave one of them out.


Use valerian root, stronger herb that is very effective. It is available in capsules or tincture. Valerian is said to be the most effective “cerebral” sedative of all the herbs, so if your body is tired yet your mind is still racing, valerian just might do the trick to calm that overactive brain of yours. Take three full droppers of tincture in a small glass of water or juice or follow label instructions for capsules.


Realize kava kava can be useful for promoting sleep as well. It’s available in capsules or as a tincture. Be sure not to exceed label instructions for dosage because too much kava can cause very colorful dreams.


Take a soothing bath before bedtime. Add about one teaspoonful of
oil to your bath water and relax with some deep breathing.

Tips & Warnings

Do some simple yoga exercises about one hour before bedtime, concentrating on your deep breathing.

Stop consuming coffee and tea after about 3 p.m. because caffeine’s effects can linger for many hours and can contribute to your inability to sleep. Soft drinks like colas sometimes contain caffeine and can contribute to a sleepless night.

Always consult a qualified health care practitioner before using any herb, especially if you are pregnant or nursing or if you are taking any prescribed medications.

How to Lessen Headaches Through Meditation

How to Lessen Headaches Through Meditation

Rather than taking pills for your minor headaches, with enough practice, you can temporarily ease the pain through simple meditation. Although only one out of every 10 people will be able to do this successfully, it will come as a great help to those people who can make it work.


Lie flat on your bed with a pillow under your head.


Focus on the pulse of your headache. Feel the dull throb and try to notice exactly where in your head it is located.


Try to will the throbbing to move south through your body, from your temples into your neck, then down to your chest.


Focus on feeling the throbbing in your chest for a bit and if you can keep it there (instead of letting it return to your head), then try to move it south yet again, either slowly down your arm and out your hand or slowly down your leg and out your foot.

Tips & Warnings

If the headache returns after sending it out your foot, try keeping the throbbing in your foot for a few minutes.

This is a difficult technique and takes a fair amount of practice. Try not to be discouraged if it doesn't work the first, second or third time.

How to leave stress behind

How to leave stress behind

Never have time to relax, to just settle down and be calm?
Maybe this article can help.
Let me help you find peace of mind.

Things You'll Need:

A bathtub

A can of your favorite soup

30 min to an hour ALONE

Soothing music


Step one- prepare the soup of your choice however you want it.


Step two- slip into something more comfortable to heighten the relaxation. Draw yourself a hot bath.


Step three- Sit in the most comfy chair or couch in the house and read a book, some poems, or just about anything except- horror, sci fi, mystery, or anything that makes you worry or fret.
Eat your soup (slowly), savour it.


Step four- Once you have read for a few minutes 5-15 stop. Just stop exactly where you are. Pour yourself a glass of wine and slide into the bath tub, by now it will be less than scalding and extremely bearable.
Have relaxing music playing (optional).


Step five- Ponder the meaning of love and life. Examine all aspects of life, and count your blessings.
Think to yourself "What a wonderful world"

Tips & Warnings

Only one glass of wine.

Make sure your husband/roomate won't get home before you get out.

Just relax

DO NOT fall asleep in the tub.

Excess relaxation may cause a care-free life.

How to Learn The Buteyko Method to Improve Asthma

How to Learn The Buteyko Method to Improve Asthma

Feel like your asthma is out of control and traditional medicine is not working? Dr. Buteyko developed an effective holistic approach that can be used anywhere at any time to help patients with asthma, other respiratory illnesses, air hunger and anxiety attacks. His method is based upon the idea that the primary cause of respiratory distress is over-breathing or hidden chronic hyperventilation. By practicing his method of breathing retraining, asthma attacks and prescription drugs can significantly be reduced.

Things You'll Need:


Practice Shallow Breathing


Use only your nose to breathe in and out. Keep your mouth closed.


Breathe only with your diaphragm, never your chest. Sit in front of a mirror. Place your hand on your belly and inhale. Your chest should not move at all, only your hand on your stomach. When exhaling, your stomach should move down to it's normal position.


Place your finger under your nose. Your breathing should be so shallow that you barely feel any air moving.

Implement Breathing Exercises


Sit in an upright position and breathe shallow for 3 minutes.


Time your control pause. Breathe out normally. Pinch your nose shut. Time how long you can hold your breath before feeling the slightest urge to breathe. You may only be able to do this for a few seconds but as you practice your goal should eventually be 60 seconds.


Breathe shallow for 3 minutes.


Take a normal breath in and exhale slowly. Pinch your nose and hold your breath for 20 seconds. When you are done, resist the urge to take a deep breath.


Breathe shallow for 3 more minutes.


Take a normal breath in and exhale slowly. Pinch your nose and hold your breath for 30 seconds. Return to normal breathing.


Breathe shallow for 3 more minutes.


Pinch your nose and hold your breath for 40 seconds. Return to normal breathing.


Breathe shallow for 3 more minutes.


Measure control pause again. Your control pause should be longer than it was at the beginning of the exercise.

Use Buteyko in Everyday Life


Tape your mouth closed when you sleep at night. The whole idea is to retrain your breathing, that means limiting mouth breathing.


Limit rescue inhaler medicines. Use your daily medicines as normal, however the use of fast acting inhalers impede on the effectiveness of Buteyko.


Limit the amount of protein you eat while you are learning the method. It takes the body more energy to burn protein.

Tips & Warnings

To further master Buteyko, considering buying training DVDs available on the Internet. There are also licensed Buteyko practitioners all over the world that can help you master the technique if you can't do it on your own.

Asthma is a very serious health condition. You need to talk with your doctor about any new breathing exercise or alteration in your asthma care.

Many American doctors are not familiar with The Buteyko Method, so be prepared to educate them.

You need to be your own health advocate. Learn everything you can about your condition and all the possible ways to improve it.

How to Learn Sport Massage Techniques

How to Learn Sport Massage Techniques

Sport massage is growing in popularity. Massage therapists who practice
massage have the opportunity to work with athletes and non-athletes. Knowing sports massage techniques can help increase the demand for your services.


Buy books about sports massage techniques and read them carefully. There are many books available about sports massage. They teach you the different techniques used in sports massage. You might even consider purchasing an instructional
on how to do sports massage. You can often find these advertised in massage magazine or search for them online.


Some people learn best from hands-on instructions. Attending classes in sports massage is good idea. With a live instructor you can ask questions and have someone to correct your technique. This way you are less likely to acquire bad technique that will wear you out quickly and be less effective to the client.


Practice on friends and family. You want to make sure you fully understand how to give a sports massage before trying out your new knowledge on a client. Practice until you feel comfortable and confident with the techniques. This insures that when you work on your first sports massage client, he will be happy with the results and willing to recommend you to others.

Tips & Warnings

Keep studying and practicing. The more you know the better therapist you will be.

How to Receive Reiki Newsletters

How to Receive Reiki Newsletters

Reiki is a holistic therapy that involves the passive placement of hands over the patient's body. It is said to be useful in the treatment of digestive problems, immune system issues and even emotions. Reiki communities are eager to expand, and thus Reiki newsletters are available in abundance.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet connection

Get Paper Format Reiki Newsletters


Ask your Reiki practitioner if he or she knows about a Reiki group or community you can join.


Attend Reiki group meetings. Most Reiki communities will distribute free Reiki newsletters to keep the group informed as to class sessions, workshops and activities.


Subscribe to the mailing list. Even if a newsletter is not handed out during a class or a group meeting, often the newsletters are mailed directly to your home.

Get Virtual Reiki Newsletters


Check out the International Center for Reiki Training Web site (see Resources below) to read its newsletter and find links to other Reiki resources.


Join an online Reiki community or subscribe to its forum. Because of the format of an online group, newsletters are an integral aspect of communication.


Sign up for the Reiki newsletter, which most online groups have on the first page of their Web sites. Sometimes the newsletters are referred to as e-zines or perhaps even an online magazine.


Enter your email address in the appropriate box and agree to the terms and conditions of that Reiki newsletter and group.


Ensure that your email service will allow a newsletter. Unblock your spam control for that particular Web site and email address.


Question the facilitators of the Web site or the newsletter as to their privacy policy. Make sure they will not sell your email address to another group, and make sure that your personal information is being protected.


Check to see if you will need to enable cookies to get the Reiki newsletter.


Find out how often the newsletter is published. You may want to subscribe to multiple newsletters if a particular newsletter is a limited publication.


Enjoy your Reiki newsletter where you will be kept up-to-date on the Reiki world and its activities. Most online newsletters also allow you access to their previous newsletters through their archives, so you can catch up on what you have missed.

Tips & Warnings

Reiki is an alternative medicine and is not recommended to take the place of a doctor or qualified physician. If you experience illness such as extreme vomiting, severe allergies involving loss of breath or circulation or anxiety, contact your doctor immediately.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one that is licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.